Need Help Creating a form

I was doing a tutorial: Building a Form I follows the instructions and create a new Maintenance Request Form but when I try to Save as Action, it jumps to my Appian Process Modeler and I don’t know what should I do, What should I Write in between StartNode and EndNode?

Can Anyone Please give any suggestions !

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  • hello once you save form as Acton then your interface automatically converted into process model in that process model your interface is save as process start form you no need to add any extra node and once you run that process model you will get same interfaces as pop up in advance if you want to save form data in database then you can add write to data store smart service 

  • Yes, I agree with Bhavana! It jumps you to the model so you can "Save and Publish" and then test your process by going to File > Start Process for Debugging. There, you should see the form you just created and be able to populate it with values. You can verify it saved your data after you submit the form by going to "Process Details" and selecting the "Process Variable" tab. 

    You can see what this looks like for an end user by adding the process model as a page to a site OR by going to Tempo and running the process from the Actions tab. For Tempo though, make sure you have also published the application first (application settings > publish). 

  • Yes, I agree with Bhavana! It jumps you to the model so you can "Save and Publish" and then test your process by going to File > Start Process for Debugging. There, you should see the form you just created and be able to populate it with values. You can verify it saved your data after you submit the form by going to "Process Details" and selecting the "Process Variable" tab. 

    You can see what this looks like for an end user by adding the process model as a page to a site OR by going to Tempo and running the process from the Actions tab. For Tempo though, make sure you have also published the application first (application settings > publish). 

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