I am trying to follow appian academy tutorial.
In the steps i have to call a record type using rule input in an interface.
However, when i type my record name in New rule input type it is not shown.
What can i do?
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Najlaa001 You should check you record type is successfully created or not in your application all object with searching you name of record type in application or select a check box of record type to see all records you are created for application and check you appropriate record. If you found this use same when you create a rule input select same record you should manually search on type field. For example your record type is like vehicle_record like something you should search it on same on type field and it will show it on dropdown and then you select.
Hi Najlaa,
Please try searching the recordtype in the datatype dropdown by manually typing the values.(ex:vehicle)
Also below is the sample rule to query your record type
ex: Vehicle is my record type
a!queryRecordType( recordType: 'recordType!Vehicle', filters:a!queryFilter( field:Vehicle.id, operator:"=", value:ri!id, ), pagingInfo:a!pagingInfo( startIndex:1,batchSize: 1 )).data
please try and let me know for any challenges. Thanks
yes, it was created successfully. However, it does not show when I write it down in the rule input.
I can only use the given types in the drop down list or input a CDT manually. I cannot input anything else in the rule input (ie: recordType or an expression rule) What should I do ?
Could you show some screen shots then we exactly know your issue
As you can see in the image above, I have created a record type and an Interface.
When I try to search for my record type it does not appear ( only the CDT shows)
This is the step that I am trying to do it's from the "Appian Step-by-Step 7 (Records)" manual.
najlaa0001 I think you try to search with adding full name record like VFM Vehicle or try to search like VFM V then it may be suggest you about your record.Try this and let me know.
I have tried but still it is not shown. Even when I created another record type with a different name it is not shown. It appears that it can only retrieve CDTs and nothing else. :/
Can you show us the configuration of your record type? What is the data source for that record type? Are you able to view the record list successfully?
Another thing to check: what is the security on your record type?
Yes of course.
This is the configuration of my record type.
As you can see I am able to view it when I click on "View Record List".
Lastly, this is the security of my record type VFM Vehicle.
Note that I am just following the manual step by step (Appian Step-by-Step 7 (Records)).
It is essential for me to do this step so I can continue with the course (Appian Developer)