Cancel Button Functionality

Hi ,

When you hit cancel button ,it should juss close the form .So that the task will be able to accept by others in the group rather than cancelling the entire Workflow

How to Implement this?


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Are you assuming that this will be a group-assigned task, and that the user in question has opened it and clicked "Accept"?  The following suggestion assumes the answer here is "yes"...

    I would suggest using some wording other than "Cancel" for this button - a button saying "Cancel" carries the strong instinctive implication that the process itself will be cancelled and/or ended.  I would word this button as "Return to Group" or something similar.  I should note here that, as far as I know, group-assigned tasks that are accepted by a user will generally have a UI-generated button at the top that allows the task to be returned to the group, though in my experience this is a little inconsistent in behavior.

    If you do need to implement this manually, you would simply have the button submit the task (and save a value into a Rule Input indicating that the "return to group" button was clicked), then hit an XOR gateway that checks for this button value, and when the value matches, route the process back to the user input task again (with Activity Chaining disabled).  The original Group assignment will kick back in, and the experience to the user who originally accepted it, will be as if they just "closed" the task.

  • Yes, once a user "Accepts" a task assigned to a group, they will have 2 native options at the top.  One for "Return task to all assignees" which returns the task to the group including themselves, and "Reject" which returns the task to the group excluding themselves.  I would suggest negating the "Cancel" button idea (also do not like the label), try user training and you can even put some type of text on the form indicating these options.

    Otherwise with Mike's suggestion, you can even retain a list of users who have accepted then rejected via node outputs, and use an expression during assignment that removes them from the list via:


  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Chris
    Yes, once a user "Accepts" a task assigned to a group, they will have 2 native options at the top. 

    Do these options persist even if the user accepts, then closes the task, and re-opens it later?  I seem to remember there being some unintuitive behavior here like, the UI controls go away after that sequence of events, though I might be remembering wrong.

  • That does seem familiar maybe from a legacy version, but I did just re-test on my 20.3 instance and those options do persist when I accepted a task, close, then re-open it via my tasks list.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Chris

    Thanks for confirming, in that case I rescind some of my prior reservations about using the OOB functionality.

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