for this code am getting the error can someone suggest me what mistake i have done here
a!dropdownField( placeholderLabel: cons!CR_APP_TXT_PLACEHOLDER_VALUE, disabled: ri!IsReadOnly_bool, choiceLabels: touniformstring( rule!APN_distinct( index( local!getContractIds_cdt, "contractId_int", {} ) ) ), choiceValues: touniformstring( rule!APN_distinct( index( local!getContractIds_cdt, "contractId_int", {} ) ) ), value: if( rule!APN_isEmpty( fv!item.value_txt ), {}, apply( trim( _ ), split( fv!item.value_txt, ";" ) ) ), saveInto: ri!crAPPContractExtension_cdt.value_txt ),
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You actual value which you stored is LD{someIntegerValue} but in your dropdown you are showing some other value(0,1 etc.) that's why.
Hi if you read the error it is because the radio button is not having the desired choice values as is mentioned clearly.
It will only accept 0 and 1 as per your choice values setup
As Ujjwal said, Appian mostly throws errors that are easy to read and understand. My suggestion would be to READ the error and try to figure out what went wrong.
Unknown said:Appian mostly throws errors that are easy to read and understand.
for real. at least for this error message, it's pretty clear.
yes, i made mistake that saveinto was wrong - instead of saving into fv!item was used CDT- so it will use the multiple rows of that CDT to save the values