for this code am getting the error can someone suggest me what mistake i have done here
a!dropdownField( placeholderLabel: cons!CR_APP_TXT_PLACEHOLDER_VALUE, disabled: ri!IsReadOnly_bool, choiceLabels: touniformstring( rule!APN_distinct( index( local!getContractIds_cdt, "contractId_int", {} ) ) ), choiceValues: touniformstring( rule!APN_distinct( index( local!getContractIds_cdt, "contractId_int", {} ) ) ), value: if( rule!APN_isEmpty( fv!item.value_txt ), {}, apply( trim( _ ), split( fv!item.value_txt, ";" ) ) ), saveInto: ri!crAPPContractExtension_cdt.value_txt ),
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yes, i made mistake that saveinto was wrong - instead of saving into fv!item was used CDT- so it will use the multiple rows of that CDT to save the values