How to upload a file from a form and save to database

Certified Senior Developer

 I want to upload the file and save it into the database in integer form. How can I do it?

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  • +1
    Certified Associate Developer

    Hi ,

    Please try below code. It will save the document in documents folder and document ID to database table

      label: "Form",
      contents: {
          contents: {
              label: "File Upload",
              labelPosition: "ABOVE",
              target: cons!PDS_DOCUMENT_FOLDER,
              value: ri!Document.documentId,
              saveInto: a!save(ri!Document.documentId, save!value),
              validations: {}
          height: "AUTO",
          style: "NONE",
          marginBelow: "STANDARD"
      buttons: a!buttonLayout(
        primaryButtons: {
            label: "Submit",
            saveInto: a!writeToDataStoreEntity(cons!PDS_DATASTORE_DOCUMENT_CONSTANTS,
            submit: true,
            style: "PRIMARY"

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to p2005

    I tried this solution but in process model itis showing that data cannot be written in database

Reply Children
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to shrutij9485

    The above solution is generally correct - if you're having further issues then you'll need to provide more detail with respect to exactly what you're trying and exaclty what error you're receiving in the process instance.

  • Hey Mike I tried the solution it works but only if 1 doc is being uploaded, is there any way where I can upload multiple docs?, because I tried uploading multiple but it only gets the first one selected and not the other

  • Yeah, You can upload multiple docs at a time.
    You have to make sure that your variable must be a list of number integer array.
    And check maxSelection parameter value which shouldn't be 1, If it is 1 then you can just select only one file not multiple files.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Sameer Mohsin

    well as i mentioned in my earlier comment (from last month), if you need resolution on this then you'll need to provide a bit more detail on what you're trying, the configuration of your variables / rule inputs / data structure, and your current form code.  And also, you'll need to clarify on what you mean by "only gets the first one selected" - that doesn't really sound like any behavior of the file upload field i'm familiar with.

  • Alright Mike I'm sharing the code of what I have achieved after tweaking the code but i want to ask is that how i can use local variable array and save it in ri!userRequest['recordType!{P_XYZ_REQUEST.fields.requesteddoc'] as this ri variable will take docs id as created in the db. Here's the code I have done.:

    local!Category: rule!P_XYZ_GetRefData(type: "Category"),
    local!docsList: {},

    label: "COMPLAIN FORM",
    contents: {
    contents: {
    label: "USER",
    labelPosition: "ADJACENT",
    value: ri!users['recordType!{5f47d026-8eee-476e-95e4-126fe4a8bf12}P_XYZ_USERS.fields.{e6bc3159-2b12-4556-96c0-217891fd587b}useremail'],
    saveInto: a!save(
    refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS",
    required: true,
    readOnly: false,
    validations: {}
    label: "REQUEST TYPE",
    labelPosition: "ADJACENT",
    placeholder: "--- Select a Value ---",
    choiceLabels: local!Category['recordType!{f93bce3c-939a-4166-b96d-cb53ddd97f92}P_XYZ_REQCATEGORY.fields.{fcb692d4-c87f-4b65-a963-d1e66b232374}label'],
    choiceValues: local!Category['recordType!{f93bce3c-939a-4166-b96d-cb53ddd97f92}P_XYZ_REQCATEGORY.fields.{cc69a98c-f324-4465-9e0f-b00e48a727be}id'],
    value: ri!userRequest['recordType!{20eafdce-4cae-46cf-982b-f8f20745d009}P_XYZ_REQUEST.fields.{329875ac-5ae7-405d-bcd1-c24e26b2d287}requesttype'],
    SaveInto: a!save(
    searchDisplay: "AUTO",
    required: true,
    validations: {}
    label: "DESCRIPTION",
    labelPosition: "ADJACENT",
    value: ri!userRequest['recordType!{20eafdce-4cae-46cf-982b-f8f20745d009}P_XYZ_REQUEST.fields.{c40f5c51-ca1a-4817-b87b-4619aac3e4ec}requestdescription'],
    saveInto: /*ri!userRequest['recordType!{20eafdce-4cae-46cf-982b-f8f20745d009}P_XYZ_REQUEST.fields.{c40f5c51-ca1a-4817-b87b-4619aac3e4ec}requestdescription']*/
    refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS",
    height: "MEDIUM",
    required: true,
    validations: {}
    label: "UPLOAD FILE",
    maxSelections: 10,
    labelPosition: "ADJACENT",
    target: cons!P_XYZ_POINTS_TO_DOCS_FOLDER,
    value: local!docsList,
    saveInto: local!docsList,
    validations: {}
    buttons: a!buttonLayout(
    primaryButtons: {
    label: "Submit",
    saveInto: a!save(
    ri!users['recordType!{5f47d026-8eee-476e-95e4-126fe4a8bf12}P_XYZ_USERS.fields.{f415d352-2dcb-4eab-a349-9747bdc6c38f}modifiedby'] & ri!users['recordType!{5f47d026-8eee-476e-95e4-126fe4a8bf12}P_XYZ_USERS.fields.{98c456ec-e51b-4a61-a5e5-ca18d3e974fb}modifieddate'],
    loggedInUser() & today()
    ) ,
    submit: true,
    style: "PRIMARY"
    secondaryButtons: {
    label: "Cancel",
    value: true,
    saveInto: ri!cancel,
    submit: true,
    style: "NORMAL",
    validate: false

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Sameer Mohsin

    There is this functionality to make your code more readable.

  • a!localVariables(
    local!Category: rule!P_XYZ_GetRefData(type: "Category"),
    local!docsList: {},
    label: "COMPLAIN FORM",
    contents: {
    contents: {
    label: "USER",
    labelPosition: "ADJACENT",
    value: ri!users['recordType!{5f47d026-8eee-476e-95e4-126fe4a8bf12}P_XYZ_USERS.fields.{e6bc3159-2b12-4556-96c0-217891fd587b}useremail'],
    saveInto: a!save(
    refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS",
    required: true,
    readOnly: false,
    validations: {}
    label: "REQUEST TYPE",
    labelPosition: "ADJACENT",
    placeholder: "--- Select a Value ---",
    choiceLabels: local!Category['recordType!{f93bce3c-939a-4166-b96d-cb53ddd97f92}P_XYZ_REQCATEGORY.fields.{fcb692d4-c87f-4b65-a963-d1e66b232374}label'],
    choiceValues: local!Category['recordType!{f93bce3c-939a-4166-b96d-cb53ddd97f92}P_XYZ_REQCATEGORY.fields.{cc69a98c-f324-4465-9e0f-b00e48a727be}id'],
    value: ri!userRequest['recordType!{20eafdce-4cae-46cf-982b-f8f20745d009}P_XYZ_REQUEST.fields.{329875ac-5ae7-405d-bcd1-c24e26b2d287}requesttype'],
    SaveInto: a!save(
    searchDisplay: "AUTO",
    required: true,
    validations: {}
    label: "DESCRIPTION",
    labelPosition: "ADJACENT",
    value: ri!userRequest['recordType!{20eafdce-4cae-46cf-982b-f8f20745d009}P_XYZ_REQUEST.fields.{c40f5c51-ca1a-4817-b87b-4619aac3e4ec}requestdescription'],
    saveInto: /*ri!userRequest['recordType!{20eafdce-4cae-46cf-982b-f8f20745d009}P_XYZ_REQUEST.fields.{c40f5c51-ca1a-4817-b87b-4619aac3e4ec}requestdescription']*/
    refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS",
    height: "MEDIUM",
    required: true,
    validations: {}
    label: "UPLOAD FILE",
    maxSelections: 10,
    labelPosition: "ADJACENT",
    target: cons!P_XYZ_POINTS_TO_DOCS_FOLDER,
    value: local!docsList,
    saveInto: local!docsList,
    validations: {}
    buttons: a!buttonLayout(
    primaryButtons: {
    label: "Submit",
    saveInto: a!save(
    ri!users['recordType!{5f47d026-8eee-476e-95e4-126fe4a8bf12}P_XYZ_USERS.fields.{f415d352-2dcb-4eab-a349-9747bdc6c38f}modifiedby'] & ri!users['recordType!{5f47d026-8eee-476e-95e4-126fe4a8bf12}P_XYZ_USERS.fields.{98c456ec-e51b-4a61-a5e5-ca18d3e974fb}modifieddate'],
    loggedInUser() & today()
    ) ,
    submit: true,
    style: "PRIMARY"
    secondaryButtons: {
    label: "Cancel",
    value: true,
    saveInto: ri!cancel,
    submit: true,
    style: "NORMAL",
    validate: false

    Thanks Stefan for telling me this. Actually I'm a beginner in appian so did'nt knew much about it as this is my first query being asked in the community.