MNI - Data filled by first user showing to other user in MNI

I have created a MNI in a user Input task 

In the assignment Tab, set the assignment to one to one as well

The above group contains two users. But as soon as one user completes the task, whatever the data filled by that user is showing to the other user as well. 

Could you please help me to resolve this error

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    Certified Lead Developer

    Is the task set to save to an array?  I believe you need to do this (and handle it with unusual care) to get the result you desire.

    I suspect what's happening instead is that you're saving the data into a singular PV, and if that PV is also set as the value for the ACP in the data inputs tab, then the next person to load their instance of the task would automatically see the value completed by the prior user.

  • Hi Mike, thanks for the suggestion. I have already tried with this. Please refer the below screenshots.

    In the ACP

    Data in PV after 1st Instance

    In second Task, I put these details

    After submitting the data,

    I have made it multiple but still the data is not populated and it's replaced by new data. 

    Usually how if a task need to assigned to multiple users and collect their feedback how it is done. Is there any other way of doing this.


  • Hi Mike, thanks for the suggestion. I have already tried with this. Please refer the below screenshots.

    In the ACP

    Data in PV after 1st Instance

    In second Task, I put these details

    After submitting the data,

    I have made it multiple but still the data is not populated and it's replaced by new data. 

    Usually how if a task need to assigned to multiple users and collect their feedback how it is done. Is there any other way of doing this.

