I have a requirement to create a dynamic table in pdf , now i am using plugins DOCX from Dynamic table
for this how to create rule can anyone suggest,
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a!localVariables( local!application: rule!GAI_getApplication(applicationId: ri!appId).data, local!projectInfo: rule!GAI_getProjectInfoDisplaySummary(appId: ri!appId), local!grantDocument: rule!GAI_getGrantDocument(applicationId: ri!appId, isactive: true()).data, local!programAssessmentChart: rule!GAI_convertPgmActvtyAssmntDataToTempData( pgmActvtyAssmnt: rule!GAI_getPrgmActvtyAssessmentByApplnId(applicationId: ri!appId).data, applicationId: ri!appId ), local!programActivity: rule!GAI_getRefProgramActivity( programActivityId: a!forEach( items: local!programAssessmentChart.fk_program_activity_id, expression: fv!item ) ).data, { local!grantDocument, local!programAssessmentChart, local!programActivity, local!application, local!projectInfo, concat( "<dynamic>", a!forEach( items: local!programActivity, expression: concat( "<ctable activity='", fv!item.['recordType!{c1b3acd6-4f4f-401f-828d-b60dc3af6722}GAI Ref Program Activity.fields.{c6132d99-98ea-42d1-a06a-2c005c045e8e}activityName'], "'activityName='", "' />" ) ), "</dynamic>" ) } )
The easiest way to create a table in a PDF is to generate a table in HTML (see here: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_tables.asp) using an expression rule and convert to PDF using the PDF from HTML using the Smart Service in this plugin: https://community.appian.com/b/appmarket/posts/dynamic-document-generator
If you want to generate a table in an already existing word document and then convert it to PDF, there is an example on how to create dynamic tables using this plugin in their documentation: https://community.appian.com/b/appmarket/posts/advanced-document-templating#
Note that there is often a loss of fidelity when converting from DOCX to PDF. If you're starting from scratch, I would recommend the 1st option (HTML -> PDF)