Two level approval

i have 2 level approval , first team 'A' has to approve and after they approves  it should go to team 'B' . If i'm on same page it shows "team b" form . if i comeback to the same request  again after sometime it starts from "team A"  form again instead of "team b" form

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer


    Please provide a bit more detail if you're hoping to find help here.  Specifics regarding your current setup (interface(s) and/or process model(s)), and please be exactly clear as to A) exactly what steps you want the user(s) to experience, versus B) exactly what they are ACTUALLY seeing currently (and how EXACTLY that doesn't match your expectations).

    Currently in your last sentence I can't tell, for instance, whether the "it starts from Team A again" is the desired experience you're trying to implement or the current behavior (as if to say it's a bug).


    1. We have one approval form related action , when we click on approval form action , it must show "form 1"  and teamA  only can approve /reject it.

    2.If teamA has approved the "form 1" then it must go to teamB for approval for teamB "form 2" it should , upon approval of teamB for form2  process ends and related action should not be displayed.

    3. If teamA rejects it then process must end it should not go to teamB and related action should not be displayed. 

    4.If teamA approves then teamB rejects then process end and related action should not be displayed.

    ACTUAL /Happening 

    1. We have one approval form related action , when we click on approval form action , it must show "form 1" is displayed.

    2.If I'm on same page it shows form2 ,if I refresh or open same request again instead of showing form2 it again start the process from "form1" again.

    3.After both approvals from 2 teams and also if rejected ,the related action is still shown on site.

    Can you please help me with this.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to ZAINAB

    You will need to configure your process model correctly to handle the two separate approval tasks.  It would be easiest to set them up as separate tasks in the process model (and I would avoid using a process with a Start Form for this, as it only increases confusion).  You haven't shared any detail about your current process model's configuration yet, so for now I can't make any more specific advice than that.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to ZAINAB

    If you're using the same interface for Team A and Team B tasks (which would be fine), you'll need to pass in a parameter from the process to inform the interface which version of the task it's on.  Aside from that, I don't see anything obviously wrong.

    This should be a pretty straightforward configuration.  It shouldn't be too difficult for your design team to troubleshoot this using a bit of trial and error, running some test instances in your development environment, etc.

  • I'm using different interface for 2 user input task 

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