Hai all,
I am very new to Appian Development , i have one use case please tell me how to design this in my use case we have the price change request is sent by vendor to Buyer , buyer have 4 options they are
1. reject request
2, Approve
3 Sent back to vendor for review
4 sent to internal teams(when ever the buyer opted for this then only the below mentioned process should happen)
, here we have 3 internal teams named as Pricing ,finance and Merchandise , the price change is increased by >10% the request should move to Pricing and Merchandise teams queue
if the price change is decreased <10% the request should move to Finance team only , and the Cost price changes percentages and internal teams will change for a request by the buyer admin based on the business rules
please help me on this i have got struck from long ago.
thanks and regards
b ramesh babu
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I suggest to draw that process on a whiteboard. Then you should be able to build that model on Appian. You might want to split one model into multiple later.
Is possible to make Parallel Approval Using MNI ?
Sure. Depends on what you want to achieve. Do all need to approve? What happens if only one group rejects or approves? But these are all business level questions.
The easiest way for parallel approvals, is to create a model that implements one approval, and then start it multiple times.
I have Implemented one approval, What you mean start it multiple times ? Can you please explain It will help a lot.
Do all need to approve? - NO, But all have to take action
That "one approval" process needs a process variable parameter to control to whom that user input task is assigned. Then, in your parent process, you start multiple sub processes for each assignee.