hii all,

i have a interface to request for Range Reset in retail organization , once the required details filled user going to submit the form here , for each RANGE RESET i have set of tasks to complete , whenever user clicks submit button 12 tasks should assign to 4 owners along with the task completion time lines , task owners are 

1.reset manger

2.assistant buyer


4.merchandiser , how to achieve this , each should assign 3 tasks per head

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  • The provided information is not enough, Ramesh. Could you tell me what is the order of these taks? Are they parallel or sequential? What happens if a task owner is unable to complete them? Can they re-assign? Any other information you can help me with?

  • i think tasks are sequential only , i will try to give some brief about my tasks , initially reset manger will fill the form and submits it after submission tasks should assign to each task owners

    task1.  reset manger  will upload a file for scope details of the range reset in retail after this done

    task 2 assistant buyer should have fill the raf form and submits

    task 3 buyer will give initial approal to the raf send by the assistant buyer

    task 4 after getting approval assistant buyer should add some more details and sends to merchandiser

    task 5 merchandiser will upload a space recommendation plan and sends to buyer

    task 6 buyer will approve the space recommendation plane by viewing that uploaded file 

    task 7 then agin the raf form will go to assistant along with the merchandiser uploaded file and the assistant buyer should confirms final draft of Raf 

    task 8 buyer will give final approval to raf received from the assist buyer

      i have tasks like above mention , i have to show all the tasks to reset manger along with their statuses and i should show tasks assigned to task owners   

    how to achieve this

  • i have to specify time lines and track comments and status for each tasks

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