Hi , How can I sort appian group members and bind to dropdown.
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If you have a particular group then you can use the a!groupMembers() function. If its the users from the environment, you can use functions from plugins and create your dropDown. Using what Harshit has given as a sample code for a group Specific requirement.getAllUsers() is a function to get all the users from the environment. You can get it here People Functions Plug-in
a!localVariables( local!users: getallusers(1, - 1), local!choices: a!forEach( items: local!users, expression: concat( user(fv!item, "firstName"), " ", user(fv!item, "lastName") ), ), a!dropdownField( choiceLabels: local!choices, choiceValues: local!users, placeholder: "Select User" ) )
Thank you all for your replies.
This i need to add to record filter list. How can do that.
You can just copy and paste this into your filter list, run a loop over it, and add the query filter.
a!recordFilterList( name: "Members", options: a!forEach( items: a!groupMembers( group: cons!GROUP, pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: 100, sort: { a!sortInfo( field: "groupName", ascending: true ), a!sortInfo( field: "username", ascending: true ) } ) ).data, expression: a!recordFilterListOption( id: fv!index, name: fv!item, filter: a!queryFilter( field: recordType!Record.fields.fieldname, operator: "=", value: fv!item ) ) ) )
Thank you. This is just giving me the group name, but the issue resolved with the code below.
a!localVariables( local!assigneesDataSubset: todatasubset( arrayToPage: a!forEach( items: getdistinctusers( peopleArray: { cons } ), expression: { assignee: fv!item, assigneeName: rule!Exp_displayUserFirstLast( user: fv!item ) } ), pagingConfiguration: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: -1, sort: a!sortInfo( field: "assigneeName", ascending: true() ) ) ), a!recordFilterList( name: "Assigned To", options: a!forEach( items: index(index(local!assigneesDataSubset,"data",{}),"assignee",{}), expression: a!recordFilterListOption( id: fv!index, name: index(index(local!assigneesDataSubset,"data",{}), fv!index, "-"), filter: a!queryFilter( field: Assignee record filed )}', operator: "=", value: fv!item ) ) ) ) )