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Hello appian1997 You might have referred edit, remove on an editable grid on Documentation hopefully, so suggest the below.
In your component richTextDisplayField inside the a!richTextIcon in the link parameter use the below
link: a!dynamicLink(
saveInto: a!save(fv!item.fieldIsActive, false())
instead of remove()
that would help. If you are not having any field as isActive i would recommend to add it, as it would be helpful for such situations. In the showWhen parameter of your row please add the isActive field to define it accordingly.
Thanks for reply.
I want to delete and update the rows in the editable grid. Deleting the data from interface should not affect the database.
Only the value of field "isdeleted" should change from o to 1. "1" if data has been deleted from interface and "0" id data is not deleted
appian1997 said:I want to delete and update the rows in the editable grid.
Then you would simply make the grid not show a row entry for rows in the data where i.e. "fv!item.isDeleted = 1".
Thanks a lot