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What do you mean with "soft delete"? A "undo" function in the UI, or only a deactivation of data in the DB?
"Soft delete" means data should not be removed from database after once I clicked on delete icon in interface. Row should only be removed from interface until "Isdelete(boolean type field in database) value is 1".
I want to delete and update the rows in the editable grid. Deleting the data from interface should not affect the database.
Only the value of field "isdeleted" should change from o to 1. "1" if data has been deleted from interface and "0" id data is not deleted
Hm ... that is the default. Appian does not do anything to your database until you write data back using the writeRecords() function or the Write Records smart service.
For this to work, you do not need to add any fields.
Thanks a lot