Hi All,
I have created an Interface and it has card layout , when clicking on the link, the related interfaces having those graphs will get displayed.
In goals interface above progress bar, there is New Goal button, upon clicking that a form layout will get displayed,
A form layout gets populated , It will get filled based on the validations
once this is done, I tried to click the create button , so that new goal will get displayed in the goals interface.
As of now, I am unable to proceed further, atleast it should throw some exception, i will try to trace out the issue, I am unable to proceed further.
I have provided the code for create button .
may i know what could be the issue, is there a chance in Appian that error will not get displayed and it will not proceed as well.
Here is the code snippet part of the button:
a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: a!buttonWidget( label: "Continue", value: local!currentFormStep + 1, saveInto: local!currentFormStep, style: "SOLID", validationGroup: "CONTINUE", validate: true ), align: "START", marginBelow: "NONE" ) } ), width: "MEDIUM_PLUS" ) }, alignVertical: "TOP", showWhen: local!currentFormStep = fv!index, spacing: "NONE" ) } ) ) } }, buttons: a!buttonLayout( primaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Create", submit: true, style: "SOLID", validate: true ) }, secondaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Cancel", value: true, saveInto: ri!cancel, submit: true, style: "OUTLINE", validate: false ) }
Also, when I tried to fill the form, I see target date , when I used future date, it got highlighted with red color, but upon multiple clicks on Continue button, I am able to proceed, other wise the page would be standalne
Here is the code snippet of Dates:
{ a!sectionLayout( contents: a!sideBySideLayout( items: { a!sideBySideItem( item: a!dateField( label: "Start date", value: ri!record['recordType!{ed0a7ee2-7024-407d-b392-737749188441}WPF Goal.fields.{f2b347b9-1dee-49c4-abce-d81a8d97347a}startDate'], saveInto: ri!record['recordType!{ed0a7ee2-7024-407d-b392-737749188441}WPF Goal.fields.{f2b347b9-1dee-49c4-abce-d81a8d97347a}startDate'], required: true, validationGroup: "CONTINUE" ) ), a!sideBySideItem( item: a!dateField( label: "Target date", value: ri!record['recordType!{ed0a7ee2-7024-407d-b392-737749188441}WPF Goal.fields.{9ccb29df-4e60-4d7f-9082-fe9e9429d1ff}targetDate'], saveInto: ri!record['recordType!{ed0a7ee2-7024-407d-b392-737749188441}WPF Goal.fields.{9ccb29df-4e60-4d7f-9082-fe9e9429d1ff}targetDate'], required: true, validationGroup: "CONTINUE", validations: if( a!defaultValue(ri!record['recordType!{ed0a7ee2-7024-407d-b392-737749188441}WPF Goal.fields.{9ccb29df-4e60-4d7f-9082-fe9e9429d1ff}targetDate'], today()+1)<=today(), "Target date must be future date", " " ) ) ) } ), validationGroup: "CONTINUE", validations: if( and( a!isNotNullOrEmpty(ri!record['recordType!{ed0a7ee2-7024-407d-b392-737749188441}WPF Goal.fields.{f2b347b9-1dee-49c4-abce-d81a8d97347a}startDate']), a!isNotNullOrEmpty(ri!record['recordType!{ed0a7ee2-7024-407d-b392-737749188441}WPF Goal.fields.{9ccb29df-4e60-4d7f-9082-fe9e9429d1ff}targetDate']) ), if( ri!record['recordType!{ed0a7ee2-7024-407d-b392-737749188441}WPF Goal.fields.{f2b347b9-1dee-49c4-abce-d81a8d97347a}startDate'] >= ri!record['recordType!{ed0a7ee2-7024-407d-b392-737749188441}WPF Goal.fields.{9ccb29df-4e60-4d7f-9082-fe9e9429d1ff}targetDate'], "Start date must be before target date", "" ), "" ) ) },
Thanks in advance, please let me know, what I have missed.
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lakshmipramodchakravarthyv0584 said:A form layout gets populated , It will get filled based on the validations
Are you calling any process or you are directly showing the screen ??
lakshmipramodchakravarthyv0584 said:if( ri!record['recordType!{ed0a7ee2-7024-407d-b392-737749188441}WPF Goal.fields.{f2b347b9-1dee-49c4-abce-d81a8d97347a}startDate'] >= ri!record['recordType!{ed0a7ee2-7024-407d-b392-737749188441}WPF Goal.fields.{9ccb29df-4e60-4d7f-9082-fe9e9429d1ff}targetDate'],
Isn't this in reverse (Less than). That red mark is Validation error , as long as error present on form we can't move it forward.
Hi venkat Avuluri
Thanks for the reply,
Yes, I am calling the form lay out to popup through New goal button, I have written code for it.
If it is less than then as per my code , if i provide future date in target date field , it is unable to proceed further.
lakshmipramodchakravarthyv0584 said:If it is less than then as per my code , if i provide future date in target date field , it is unable to proceed further.
It says Greater than where as it needs to be less than...
lakshmipramodchakravarthyv0584 said:Yes, I am calling the form lay out to popup through New goal button, I have written code for it.
I think you are not storing it anywhere?? No process model calling , are you sure you are doing it right??After submit what needs to be done??
After submitting the form layout, it should display as progress bar in goals overview interface, like below:
lakshmipramodchakravarthyv0584 said:I will revisit the code and try to make the necessary changes, as of now, when I make this change, it is still not processing.
Form is not moving because of this validation.
lakshmipramodchakravarthyv0584 said:In goals interface above progress bar, there is New Goal button, upon clicking that a form layout will get displayed,
Are you sure you are initiating a process upon clicking new Goal button??? . Need more details .....
There is no value or saveInto parameter has been used in your create button.