Hi All,
I have created an Interface and it has card layout , when clicking on the link, the related interfaces having those graphs will get displayed.
In goals interface above progress bar, there is New Goal button, upon clicking that a form layout will get displayed,
A form layout gets populated , It will get filled based on the validations
once this is done, I tried to click the create button , so that new goal will get displayed in the goals interface.
As of now, I am unable to proceed further, atleast it should throw some exception, i will try to trace out the issue, I am unable to proceed further.
I have provided the code for create button .
may i know what could be the issue, is there a chance in Appian that error will not get displayed and it will not proceed as well.
Here is the code snippet part of the button:
a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: a!buttonWidget( label: "Continue", value: local!currentFormStep + 1, saveInto: local!currentFormStep, style: "SOLID", validationGroup: "CONTINUE", validate: true ), align: "START", marginBelow: "NONE" ) } ), width: "MEDIUM_PLUS" ) }, alignVertical: "TOP", showWhen: local!currentFormStep = fv!index, spacing: "NONE" ) } ) ) } }, buttons: a!buttonLayout( primaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Create", submit: true, style: "SOLID", validate: true ) }, secondaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Cancel", value: true, saveInto: ri!cancel, submit: true, style: "OUTLINE", validate: false ) }
Also, when I tried to fill the form, I see target date , when I used future date, it got highlighted with red color, but upon multiple clicks on Continue button, I am able to proceed, other wise the page would be standalne
Here is the code snippet of Dates:
{ a!sectionLayout( contents: a!sideBySideLayout( items: { a!sideBySideItem( item: a!dateField( label: "Start date", value: ri!record['recordType!{ed0a7ee2-7024-407d-b392-737749188441}WPF Goal.fields.{f2b347b9-1dee-49c4-abce-d81a8d97347a}startDate'], saveInto: ri!record['recordType!{ed0a7ee2-7024-407d-b392-737749188441}WPF Goal.fields.{f2b347b9-1dee-49c4-abce-d81a8d97347a}startDate'], required: true, validationGroup: "CONTINUE" ) ), a!sideBySideItem( item: a!dateField( label: "Target date", value: ri!record['recordType!{ed0a7ee2-7024-407d-b392-737749188441}WPF Goal.fields.{9ccb29df-4e60-4d7f-9082-fe9e9429d1ff}targetDate'], saveInto: ri!record['recordType!{ed0a7ee2-7024-407d-b392-737749188441}WPF Goal.fields.{9ccb29df-4e60-4d7f-9082-fe9e9429d1ff}targetDate'], required: true, validationGroup: "CONTINUE", validations: if( a!defaultValue(ri!record['recordType!{ed0a7ee2-7024-407d-b392-737749188441}WPF Goal.fields.{9ccb29df-4e60-4d7f-9082-fe9e9429d1ff}targetDate'], today()+1)<=today(), "Target date must be future date", " " ) ) ) } ), validationGroup: "CONTINUE", validations: if( and( a!isNotNullOrEmpty(ri!record['recordType!{ed0a7ee2-7024-407d-b392-737749188441}WPF Goal.fields.{f2b347b9-1dee-49c4-abce-d81a8d97347a}startDate']), a!isNotNullOrEmpty(ri!record['recordType!{ed0a7ee2-7024-407d-b392-737749188441}WPF Goal.fields.{9ccb29df-4e60-4d7f-9082-fe9e9429d1ff}targetDate']) ), if( ri!record['recordType!{ed0a7ee2-7024-407d-b392-737749188441}WPF Goal.fields.{f2b347b9-1dee-49c4-abce-d81a8d97347a}startDate'] >= ri!record['recordType!{ed0a7ee2-7024-407d-b392-737749188441}WPF Goal.fields.{9ccb29df-4e60-4d7f-9082-fe9e9429d1ff}targetDate'], "Start date must be before target date", "" ), "" ) ) },
Thanks in advance, please let me know, what I have missed.
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There is no value or saveInto parameter has been used in your create button.