Send Email Smart Service - Not sending email


I am using the smart service to send an email to my user, and i am not receiving any email.

And as you can see bellow the task is concluded, and i tink the configuration is ok. Also i am not receiving anything wrong in the log.

Any idea what is happening or what am i missing?



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  • First check Sending Email Setting in Admin Console is Enabled, if it's not then Make it Enabled then Appian ORG will able to send Email. as shown below...



    Then Check your are using User's Email address instead of User's username to whomever your sending mail  in Process Model


    And also checked which domain have access in your Appian Org.(like "") that is allowed or not.

  • First check Sending Email Setting in Admin Console is Enabled, if it's not then Make it Enabled then Appian ORG will able to send Email. as shown below...



    Then Check your are using User's Email address instead of User's username to whomever your sending mail  in Process Model


    And also checked which domain have access in your Appian Org.(like "") that is allowed or not.
