I have heard that there may be a function/customisation that will allow me to ha

I have heard that there may be a function/customisation that will allow me to have a list of quick tasks with a tick box if the quick tasks has been completed or not, which you can display in a dashboard.

I would be extremely interested in seeing this if anyone has achieved this. Can anyone point me in the right direction?



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  • Joe,
    I believe the tick box you have alluded to might be the checklist expression with the HTML Display Value functions. It will display a check or an X depending on the value of a variable.

    Your requirement can be easily achieved by creating process variable flags which can be set if a quick task is completed. This variable can then be used in the HTML Display Value Functions checklist expression. It will display a check or an x depending on what the value is.
  • Joe,
    I believe the tick box you have alluded to might be the checklist expression with the HTML Display Value functions. It will display a check or an X depending on the value of a variable.

    Your requirement can be easily achieved by creating process variable flags which can be set if a quick task is completed. This variable can then be used in the HTML Display Value Functions checklist expression. It will display a check or an x depending on what the value is.
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