Advance Call Web Service HTTPS Certificate

 Dear All,

I have a Web Service to implement an operation for upload/download files BASE64 coding, the URL of Web Service is on https. I have installed certificate in Appian 17.2 I call the Web Service in Appian Process Modeler with Advance Call Web Service(WSDL) with this parameters: WSDL URL: =https://...?WSDL Service Namespace: Service Name: FileTransfererImpl SOAP Body XML: ="<ser:insertEFSADocument><ser:fileName>test.txt</ser:fileName> <ser:target_folder>/FEED</ser:target_folder><ser:imageBytes>###imageBytes###</ser:imageBytes></ser:insertEFSADocument>" I have created a new Input: Name imageBytes, Type imageBytes, Value “MATRIX_logo” but I receive this error:

There is a problem with task "Advanced Call Web Service (WSDL)" in the process "testWSDMS". Failed to access the WSDL at: https://...?WSDL. It failed with: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: https://...?WSDL. Problem: An error occurred in executing an Activity Class. Recommended Action: Examine the activity class to correct the error and then resume.

I have tested Web Service on Soap-UI with WS-Security configuration and the response is ok; I configured Certificate in Appian Admin and this one is ok, and I call Web Service whith "Call Web Service" and work fine, Only "Advance Call Web Service(WSDL) doesn't work, I need this one for Base64 Encoding, and I think I need to configure Service Authentication for use the certificate installed but I do not know how to do it.




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