Dear all, i have implemented a plug-in and in the META-INF\\lib folder i ha

Dear all,
i have implemented a plug-in and in the META-INF\\lib folder i have put the following libraries:
1. ooxml-schemas-1.1.jar
2. poi-3.9-20121203.jar
3. poi-ooxml-3.9-20121203.jar
4. poi-ooxml-schemas-3.9-20121203.jar
5. xbean.jar
6. xml-apis-2.0.2.jar
7. xmlbeans-2.5.0.jar
When the smart service is executing i got the followinf exception: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving method "javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata.getAsTree(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/w3c/dom/Node;" the class loader (instance of org/apache/felix/framework/ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoader) of the current class, org/apache/poi/ss/util/ImageUtils, and the class loader (instance of <bootloader>) for resolved class, javax/imageio/metadata/IIOMetadata, have different Class objects for the type org/w3c/dom/Node used in the signature

If i remove the xml-apis-2.0.2.jar from the META-INF\\lib plugin folder th...



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