Upgrade Processes Smart Service not Successfull

Hi guys,

I am trying to upgrade "On Going" processes with the smart service "Get Processes by Node Status", and afterwards the smart service "Upgrade Processes" (Process to upgrade instances). But I am retriving on the "Upgrade Processes" the output "INCOMPATIBLE_PVS" (Result Upgrade Processes).

But on the source process model (Process Model Upgraded Variables 1,2) the variables are exactly the same as on the ongoing processes (On going Process Variables 1...6), and the only change made in the upgraded process model is on the properties of a "end event" (to be a terminate event).

Do you have any idea why i can't upgrade the processes? Because in production environment i want to upgrade more than 1000 "ongoing" instances.


Process to upgrade instances

Result Upgrade Processes 

Process Model Upgraded Variables 1


Process Model Upgraded Variables 2

On going Process Variables 1







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