Appian not detecting custom plugin

Hi I am having trouble deploying a custom-built plugin. I have followed appian documentation about creating plugins and still appian isn't detecting it. I use eclipse to develop and have installed the appian eclipse plugin to create appian java projects. The plugin contains a simple function that returns a string "Hello World". Please help!!

This is the documentation I followed to create my plugin:

Am I missing something crucial for it to work? Is there a way to see where the plugin is failing?

My appian plugin xml

<appian-plugin name="Document 64 Plugin" key="appian.plexus.document64plugin">

<description>Document 64 Plugin</description>
<vendor name="Example" url="" />
<application-version min="6.1.0" />

<!--<function key="encodeDocument64" class="com.appian.plexus.document64.documentToBase64"/>-->

<function-category key="appianPlexusDocument64Category" name="appianPlexusDocument64"/>
<function key="HelloWorld64" class="com.appian.plexus.document64.DocumentHelloWorld64"/>



Here is my class

package com.appian.plexus.document64;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import com.appiancorp.suiteapi.expression.annotations.Function;
import com.appiancorp.suiteapi.expression.annotations.Parameter;

public class DocumentHelloWorld64 {

private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(DocumentHelloWorld64.class);

public String HelloWorld64(ServiceContext sc, @Parameter String word) {
return "Hello World";


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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Miguel

    Hi @Miguel when you are developing a plugin, it's a good option to have appian plugin for eclipse installed.

    This will help you in creating project structure, i18N file, appian-plugins.xml file, exporting the application etc.

    You can use following link to install the plugin in eclipse

    While exporting the application, you can right click on project >> Appian >> export plugin project

    This will make sure that files are properly arranged within their required folders/directories, else if you want to work without having this plug-in, then you need to follow the guidelines provided in Appian documentation about creating plugin project.

    Hope it will help

  • Hi, thanks for the reply. I wasn't sure what an i18N file was, but now I know, thanks! The thing is, I have exported the file using the appian eclipse plugin and the normal way. But for some reason it isn't working. I have checked the logs and nothing about my plugin is mentioned.