Appian not detecting custom plugin

Hi I am having trouble deploying a custom-built plugin. I have followed appian documentation about creating plugins and still appian isn't detecting it. I use eclipse to develop and have installed the appian eclipse plugin to create appian java projects. The plugin contains a simple function that returns a string "Hello World". Please help!!

This is the documentation I followed to create my plugin:

Am I missing something crucial for it to work? Is there a way to see where the plugin is failing?

My appian plugin xml

<appian-plugin name="Document 64 Plugin" key="appian.plexus.document64plugin">

<description>Document 64 Plugin</description>
<vendor name="Example" url="" />
<application-version min="6.1.0" />

<!--<function key="encodeDocument64" class="com.appian.plexus.document64.documentToBase64"/>-->

<function-category key="appianPlexusDocument64Category" name="appianPlexusDocument64"/>
<function key="HelloWorld64" class="com.appian.plexus.document64.DocumentHelloWorld64"/>



Here is my class

package com.appian.plexus.document64;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import com.appiancorp.suiteapi.expression.annotations.Function;
import com.appiancorp.suiteapi.expression.annotations.Parameter;

public class DocumentHelloWorld64 {

private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(DocumentHelloWorld64.class);

public String HelloWorld64(ServiceContext sc, @Parameter String word) {
return "Hello World";


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  • HI Miguel,

    As alok said , when you add the plug -in to eclipse, it will take care of the structure and Here are the steps

    Export your project as a JAR file.

    1. Right-click your project and click Export….
    2. Select the JAR file option as the Export destination.
    3. On the Resources to export dialog, clear the .classpath and .project selections as these files are used exclusively by Eclipse.
    4. Select the _admin/plugins folder of your installation directory for your export destination.
      • This directory is created during application server startup.