How to update data from CSV file to data base

Hi All,


I am using 'import CSV to Database' smart service to import the data from CSV file to oracle data base, here data will be directly

importing to data base but this plugin won't perform updating.


Do I have any plugin to achieve this. i.e want to update the database values by Uploading the CSV file but I don't something like exporting them to CDT then inserting because my

data will be huge so if I follow this performance issues will come.



Bhargavi P

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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer
    I'm not aware of a plugin that will do the updating, but typically what I do here is import the CSV to a staging table, then run a query using the Query RDBMS node to ETL/update the staging data into the target table. When it's done, truncate the staging table.

    I agree that pulling into a CDT is a potential performance and memory consumption issue.
  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer
    I'm not aware of a plugin that will do the updating, but typically what I do here is import the CSV to a staging table, then run a query using the Query RDBMS node to ETL/update the staging data into the target table. When it's done, truncate the staging table.

    I agree that pulling into a CDT is a potential performance and memory consumption issue.