Need to add image to the PDF using XSL FO

Certified Lead Developer

I have to generate PDF which consists of images in one dynamic grid, I have tried it with DOCX template but in that case PDF is not generated as the plugin in not allowing looping for the images.

Can you please provide syntax for adding appian image to the .xsl and .xml file. I have tried so many but image is not getting displayed.

Thanks in advance.

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  • Hello shwetad,

    As of now there are two options available.

    1) To expose your images in a public repository/ private repository visible to Appian. And access it with the url.

    2) to pass them to the smart service as parameters encoded as base64.

    For both options you have to add some tags to the XSL-FO. Maybe in the future the plugin can support passing images stored in the knowledge center, but this is not currently supported.


  • Hello shwetad,

    As of now there are two options available.

    1) To expose your images in a public repository/ private repository visible to Appian. And access it with the url.

    2) to pass them to the smart service as parameters encoded as base64.

    For both options you have to add some tags to the XSL-FO. Maybe in the future the plugin can support passing images stored in the knowledge center, but this is not currently supported.


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