Execute Stored Procedure Trace Logging

Did you know, the execute stored procedure plug-in has a performance log? Each time a stored procedure is executed an entry is added to APPIAN_HOME/logs/perflogs/execute_stored_procedure_trace.csv
It contains a wide variety of metrics from connection time, execution time, data transformation time all the way through to the number of records the stored proc returns. This functionality has existed in the plug-in for a little over year (since v1.4.2)
The log is buffered before writing to disk, so overhead of logging every execution is minimal. This delays how frequently the log is written to disk. In v1.4.5 this will happen about once every 5 minutes.

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  • Thanks James, Could you please help with definitions of below parameters in the file.

    Datasource Lookup Time (ms) ----?

    Datasource Connect Time (ms) ---?
    Validate Time (ms) ---?
    Prepare Time (ms) ---?
    Execute Time (ms) ---?
    Transform Time (ms) ---> Time taken to transform the data into Appian readable format.
    Total Time (ms)--> Time taken to execute the stored procedure.

  • Datasource Connect Time (ms) --> Time taken to connect to database / retrieve from connection pool. This time may be higher if a brand new connection was required vs one already available from the pool

    Validate Time (ms) --> Time taken to verify the configured inputs and outputs match an available stored procedure. Metadata about existing stored procs is queried from the database to compare against what the designer provided.

    Prepare Time (ms) --> Time taken to register the upcoming execution request with the database, set inputs and register request for response outputs

    Execute Time (ms) --> Time taken for database to execute the stored proc

    Transform Time (ms) --> Time taken to transform the data into Appian's internal data structure

    Total Time (ms) --> Total time of all points above

  • Hi , sorry for reviving this old thread. But would you have any idea on how we can improve the Validate time?

    We're trying to optimize calls to SP on Oracle and checking on the logs, Validate Time takes almost >70% of the total time. 


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