Facing while trying to convert a document to Base 64 string and send it as an input to the Rest API

We have a requirement of converting a document to Base 64 string and call a Rest API.


We are using the plugin : Base64 Request to REST Web Service


When we try with documents < 5 MB, it is working as expected. 

But when we try it with > 5 MB, the plugin is not sending any data to the service.


Any suggestion on this would be helpful.

We tried it in multiple environments and it is very inconsistent.


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  • Hello Sanjay

    For me that sounds like a problem with timeouts. For example. if you could convert the file to base64 before been requested. What does the log files say about the error?

    In the other hand, Are you in the cloud? If so, Maybe another solution could be the version 18.3?

    From the releases notes you have this
    “Send Documents Using Base64 Inline with JSON & XML
    Sending documents from Appian to other systems has never been easier. Integrations can now send Base64-encoded documents inline with a JSON or XML request. Base64-encoded documents go into the Integration's body, which can automatically convert the CDT to JSON or XML.”


    Do you think this could help? I am not sure if there is any limit on this but at least that is something you can ask to support team.

  • Jose,

    I am not seeing any kind of time out from the service. It is getting executed within 5 ~ 10 seconds. But I am getting an error saying that object is null when the document is > 5 MB.
    We are trying multiple things.
    I will keep you posted.
  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to sanjays754
    As of 18.2 version, it is 3MB limit when we use the covertdoctobase64, though it is not mentioned explicitly. We can restrict file size to <3MB to circumvent this problem. Not sure if this is taken care in 18.3 version.
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