Export CDT To Excel Smart Service

I have 2 questions.

1) is there any documentation on the Smart Service "Export CDT To Excel Smart Services"? I ask because how to use the service is not intuitively clear to me.

2) I am getting an error, "The following error was raised by the Export to Excel function: Cell index must be >= 0" and do not know what it is referring to. I don't know what values should be placed in the Node Inputs, and have tried numerous scenarios, but none work. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?


Thanks very much!


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  • Configuring Export Cdt to Excel
    In the Input Tab

    CDT : Your CDT
    CDT_fields_to_Export : Field in your cdt, open that cdt get the field names you are going to use
    to export to excel they should be in the format {"fieldName1",
    Cell_keys: The keys you want to use to display data in the format of {"A1", "B1"} or if
    you want to starting cell is "A1" if your starting cell is "A2", you will have the f
    format of {"A2", "B2", "C2"} etc...
    Cell_Values: values for your cells that will come from the CDT
    Document_name_to_create: Name of the doc you want to create
    Document_save_directory: the directory you want to save that generate document
    Document_to_overwirte: Leave blank if you are not overwriting any documents
    Excel_base_template: An excel template you can create to format the way you want that document
    Put the cdt field names as cell headers.
    Fail_on_error: Boolean to configure for failure, not required
    include_header_row: not required, if you want to include a header row
    Sheet_number: Determine sheet number, you can give it a value of 0
    Starting_cell: Where you want to start displaying your cdt data in excel, could be "A1" or
    "A2" or whatever cell you want to start

    I hope that helps a little bit on how to configure it.
  • can you let me know how to set the "Cell_values"?


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