Hi All,
Am trying to import the excel file into DB using the Import Excel to Database smart service available in Excel tools. Am getting the following error when i try to run the process
???Unknown column '' in 'field list'???.
My table column names are same as the one in the file header.
Have anyone faced the similar issue , or aware of the constraints for this smart service can suggest on the same please??
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Hi Thoufiq,
you can use the below readExcelSheet function of Excel Tool plugins like this:
load(local!recordSets: readExcelSheet(excelDocument: ri!document,sheetNumber: 0,startRow: 2,numberOfColumns: 0 /*reading all columns*/).result.values,local!count: count(local!recordSets),a!forEach(items: 1 + enumerate(local!count),expression: load(local!data: split(joinarray(local!recordSets[fv!item],"; "),"; "),'type!{urn:com:appian:types:DTP}DTP_CustomerDetails'(FirstName: local!data[1],LastName: local!data[2],Address: local!data[3],Phone_Number: local!data[4]))))
would love to use readExcelSheet but they are deprecated and could stop working in future release of Appian
Hi Sitongc,
readExcelSheet() function is not deprecated. I have used the latest version only. Few people without verifying spreading wrong rumour. U can use the latest exceltools (v2.2.5)