Appian Excel Tool Plugin_Convert Excel to CSV Smart Service


I have a scenario where we have business defined excel template having headers with all special characters and lengthy user friendly description and in our case these excel column names can not be database column names because of special characters.

In this scenario, to process excel data we have to store data in database table rather than holding up on process memory as best practice.

If we use Import Excel to DB Smart Service, it expects to have excel column headers same as that of database columns and it doesn't provide functionality of import CSV to Database v4 service where we can say "File has header" false and provide DB column names under "columnNames". Business is particular about using excel template with meaningful column names.

After couple of POC's, we thought to use Convert Excel to CSV (Smart Service) and then import CSV to Database v4 (Smart service) and this approach works to insert data into DB table with different column names but my problem comes here, In Convert Excel to CSV (Smart Service) : the excel header row is also inserted as row in csv even though we specified "Row Number To Read From (Number (Integer))" as 1 or 2 or 3 or 100. Looks like this field is not effective in this Smart service. And moreover couldn't find a way to skip this header row while using import CSV to Database v4 (Smart service).

Can some one please share your ideas and help me on this?



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    in reply to paulc919
    Hi Paul,

    Convert Excel to CSV (Smart Service) : the excel header row is also inserted as row in csv even though we specified "Row Number To Read From (Number (Integer))" as 1 or 2 or 3 or 100. Looks like this field is not effective in this Smart service --> This issue still exists

    Even though not much happy with having lengthy database column names and with special characters like "(",")" , but for now we managed to create a sql table out of excel columns and continuing with same approach "convert excel to CSV" and then "import CSV to Database V4 smart service" and more to this our business agreed to use CSV in future so we can skip the step of convertexceltoCSV step and can use directly "import CSV to DatabaseV4" with custom column names.
