Import data from Excel to a Record (using Smart Services)


I have an excel file with 31 columns (where in each column is a different data field of types integer, text, date)  and about 80-100 rows of data. 

I want to get this data in a record where I can view the data, summarize it, act/manipulate it etc. I have created a CDT in my application with the same fields as that of the  columns in the excel file. 

I learnt that the Parse Excel to CDT smart service has been removed by Appian due to some technical issues. 

The approach I'm considering is to create a process model first, use the Import Excel to Database (excel smart service) and then somehow get my record to access the data from the database(that I just pushed data into, from the excel file). 

Please tell me if this is the right approach to the problem. If yes, please help me with the steps to do the same. If not, please help me with the alternate method. 

Also, how will I configure the data that I import from the excel file as a CDT before using it in the record (which I have already created), or is this step not necessary?

For ease, I'll list down my problem again in a concise manner.

Import an excel file with 31 data fields (in columns) and 80-100 rows into a record so that I can view the data in tabular/grid manner. Also, I would want to segregate the data, take actions on the data, view a summary of each row on a new view. What would be the intermediate steps in this process? Also, what type of record should I be using?

Please suggest me the best practice for the above problem statement. 

Any urgent help would be appreciated.

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