@Type annotation for plugin input data not recognized

 Hi all,


I'm building a custom plugin that takes a document as an input, and according to the Smart Service Plugin documentation, I specify the incoming data type using this annotation format:

@Type(namespace = Type.APPIAN_NAMESPACE, name="Document")

but when I add that annotation to my setter method, Eclipse throws the following error (when I hover over the @Type):

"Type cannot be resolved to a type"


Here's the entire method for reference (note that the variable "d" is declared earlier as a Document):

@Input(required = Required.ALWAYS)
@Type(namespace = Type.APPIAN_NAMESPACE, name="Document")
public void setInputDoc(Document document) {
d = document;

Has this annotation been updated somehow, such that I need to use a different syntax, or is there something else I need to do to get the input data type properly recognized?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!

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