I have created a custom smart service and have provided internationalisation bun

I have created a custom smart service and have provided internationalisation bundle to it in accordance with the guidance notes here forum.appian.com/.../Custom_Smart_Service_Plug-ins. But when I deploy the archive, server complaints the following. Can anyone please help?

NOTE: Archive (JAR) does have the bundles named, ExcelToCDT_en_GB.properties, ExcelToCDT_en_US.properties and ExcelToCDT.properties in the same directory as the service class.

2013-11-11 12:04:14,269 [Plugin Hot Deploy] ERROR com.atlassian.plugin.manager.DefaultPluginManager - There was an error loading the descriptor 'Excel To CDT' of plugin 'Excel_To_CDT'. Disabling.
com.atlassian.plugin.PluginException: com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.exceptions.AppianException: The Plug-in Excel_To_CDT Module ExcelToCDT is missing the following internationalization bundle(s) for Locale en_GB: [Excel_To_CDT.ExcelToCDT] (APNX-1-4200-000)
          at com.appiancorp.plugins...



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  • Hi Michael, I luckily followed the same reference documentation. I'm not sure but there's got be something I'm missing.

    I've also tried to do what is discussed on the alternative link that you have sent to me. Unfortunately that has made no difference.. can I please share the archive with you so that you can give it a quick look, if you have got a few minutes?

    Thanks a lot in advance.
  • Hi Michael, I luckily followed the same reference documentation. I'm not sure but there's got be something I'm missing.

    I've also tried to do what is discussed on the alternative link that you have sent to me. Unfortunately that has made no difference.. can I please share the archive with you so that you can give it a quick look, if you have got a few minutes?

    Thanks a lot in advance.
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