Advanced Document Template: Generation of dynamic tables, with dynamic merged cells.

Issue Statement:

I would like to be able to dynamically generate 2 ROWS at a time, for each of my objects, with the second row being a set of merged columns. In other words, I want to change this...

Description Objective Responsible Parties Planned Completion Date
Desc1 Obj1 Party1 Date1
Desc2 Obj2 Party2 Date2

to this...

Description Responsible  Planned Completion Date
Desc1 Party1 Date1
Obj1 Obj1 Obj1
Desc2 Party2 Date2
Obj2 Obj2 Obj2

where 'Obj1' cells are merged.

The XML Data Object is...

="<risk><actionItem Description='Description 1' Objective='Objective 1' ResponsiblePartyUsernames='ShaunKilby' PlannedCompletionDate='10-10-2014' /><actionItem Description='Description 2' Objective='Objective 2'  ResponsiblePartyUsernames='AnthonyBrown' PlannedCompletionDate='11-10-2014' /></risk>"

The file that currently populates the first file is attached; any assistance would be much appreciated.


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