I am working on a custom function plugin which will return a list of list of integers (ex. [ [1,2], [3,4], [5,6] ]) as output. Can anyone help me to achieve this?. The return type of java method in Integer[][]. While deploying I am getting an error as
"The Function Module com.appianDev.plugins.SplitNumberList.SplitNumberList could not be installed due to invalid type: Invalid Type: Unsupported type [[Ljava.lang.Integer;. Use the @Type annotation to indicate the type of a function parameter. The deprecated ’type’ attribute for the @Parameter annotation has been removed. (APNX-1-4104-008)'"
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Try wrapping the output in a!flatten()
Hi bryant.st39, I am getting this error when I am deploying the plugin to Appian.
Ahhh...we usually return data from custom plugins in JSON format and convert to Appian datatypes in Appian.
I'll look to see if we've had this same error when deploying plugins and let you know what I find.
The output structure which I am expecting is as below
By any chance did u find the answer. I am having the same requirement.