Hi All,
I am using the email smart service . My constant : cons!emailstosent --> has {"abc@outlook.com","xyz@outlook.com"} My email template has: --> Hi ###User### _________How to I configure my parameter in template such that I get 2 emails ,
1. Hi abc , --> that is sent to abc@outlook.com2.Hi xyz --> that is sent to xyz@outlook.com___________
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You would need to configure your process in such a way that it sends multiple separate emails, where each one has the name of the specific user in the cons!emailstosend list. Alternatively, if you need it to only send one email, you'll need to either modify your template to change the wording, or perhaps fill in something for ###User### that's more generic than a particular user's name.
Thanks @MIke . Yeah I knew , I need to change the process model in that way . BUt wanted to check if there is any hack for that . No worries.Appreciated