FitNesse for Appian: Login error while testing

Certified Associate Developer

Hi! I'm having issues with login function. It's a strange error because the server tool actually can log into Site with command specified, but it gives me errors.

In Set-Up page, I've defined a scenario with the initial configuration, including version, locale, Appian URL and SiteFixtures, which works fine.

!*** SET UP

!| script              |                                             |
|configuration         |CHROME|locale|it_IT|version|20.1|url|         |
|set stop on error to  |true                                                                                             |
|set timeout seconds to|10                                                                                               |


Here's the code and the script error:


!define TEST_SYSTEM {slim}
!define COMMAND_PATTERN {java -Dlog4j.configuration=file:///${automated.testing.home}/ -cp %p %m}
!path ${automated.testing.home}/**.jar


!*** Test

!|script                                                                                                   |
|login with role       |<role>                                                                             |
|verify button         |<name field>|is present                                                            |
|click on button       |<name button>                                                                      |
|verify field          |<name field>  |is present                                                          |
|populate field        |<name field>  |with value|[1]                                                      |


!*** Log Out and Tear Down

!|script  |
|logout   |
|tear down|


Does anyone have a solution? Thank you very much for your time!

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