Plugin Deployment IncompatibleSmartServiceRegistrationException

Im currently developing in my stand-alone dev sandbox and making changes to my smart service inputs and outputs.    Its a bit tedious to always have to change the plugin key to avoid the subject exception when trying to deploy updates.    Is there some back-door files and/or appian database tables I can edit so the deleting and re-adding my plugin jar file to plug-ins folder will not fail without having to change the plugin key (and all references to it)?

For reference this is detailed error I get after removing the plugin jar file, removing all process models and instances, then redeploying the plugin jar file:

aused by: com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.exceptions.AppianRuntimeException: com.appiancorp.process.admin.IncompatibleSmartServiceRegistrationException: The Smart Service Module was invalid: Smart service input and output count does not match the count for the existing smart service registered as
Existing size: 1
Incoming size: 2
Existing parameter names: [ActivityClassParameterSchema[name=Value,it=3,v=true]]
Incoming parameter names: [ActivityClassParameterSchema[name=UpperValue,it=3,v=<null>], ActivityClassParameterSchema[name=Value,it=3,v=true]]

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