'Export Data Store Entity to Excel' or 'Export SQL to Excel' to add grid lines(borders), align the data in center, apply formula


Does 'Export Data Store Entity to Excel' or 'Export SQL to ExceExport SQL to Excel' smart service supports below requirements?

1. add grid lines to the document(means border). We added border to template and uploaded but output rows not containing the borders.

2. Center the content in the middle of each cell as a default.  (We tried applying 'center' align on template but dint work after the records added to excel by 'Export SQL to Excel' smart service.)

3. Applying formula either through smart service config or through formula on template

example: If the master currency is in USD in column P then column Q populate with $ and the currency formatted to reflect per $1,000 in column Q.

(Note: We tried applying formula on template but didnt work after the records added to excel by 'Export SQL to Excel' smart service.)

Please let me know other work around or smart service(s)  that can help here?

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  • Unfortunately these nodes are notorious for removing template formatting, formulas, etc and seem to only work cleanly when raw data is needed.  You can find on the forum here where a number of practitioners are still relying on the deprecated Export CDT to Excel service from the Excel Tools plugin for any exports with these type of use cases.  As much as I cringe at the implementation of deprecated components, we are relying on Appian releasing similar functionality before removing this service, in this case (since, there is no other option).  My latest post on this topic.

    Tell him, Mike! :) 

  • Unfortunately these nodes are notorious for removing template formatting, formulas, etc and seem to only work cleanly when raw data is needed.  You can find on the forum here where a number of practitioners are still relying on the deprecated Export CDT to Excel service from the Excel Tools plugin for any exports with these type of use cases.  As much as I cringe at the implementation of deprecated components, we are relying on Appian releasing similar functionality before removing this service, in this case (since, there is no other option).  My latest post on this topic.

    Tell him, Mike! :) 

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