I'm trying to implement functions to check the permissions of a group or a user (first param) on a specific folder or document (second param) but i'm stuck with the UserOrGroupDataType coming as a string.
How could i make the distinction between the two kinds of objects inside the java code of the plugin ?
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private EntityIdentity retrieveIdentityType(TypedValue userorGroup, UserService us, GroupService gs) throws InvalidLocalObjectTypeException { Object obj = userorGroup.getValue(); if (AppianType.GROUP == userorGroup.getInstanceType().intValue()) { Long groupId = (Long) obj; if (gs.doesGroupExist(groupId)) return new GroupIdentity((Long) obj); else throw new InvalidLocalObjectTypeException( "The grop with the following groupId doesn't exist:" + groupId); // Long groupId=(Long) obj; } if (AppianType.USERNAME == userorGroup.getInstanceType().intValue()) { String username = (String) obj; if (us.doesUserExist(username)) return new UserIdentity(username); else throw new InvalidLocalObjectTypeException( "The user with the following username doesn't exist:" + username); } throw new InvalidLocalObjectTypeException( "the userorGroup param is invalid : it should be either a user or a group"); }