Move to FileSystem Smart Service - Invalid File Path

I am trying to user Move to FileSystem smart service to move files from a network drive to an Appian folder. The process keeps on failing at the Move to Collab node. I am seeing the below error in application server log

Caused by: com.appiancorp.suiteapi.process.exceptions.SmartServiceException: java.lang.Exception: Invalid File Path: \\\\RmsStgIntWeb1\\Section15Attachments\\test1.txt

This is a shared folder on a network server. I tried giving my local folder path, another mounted shared srive path, but each time getting the same Invalid Path error. What am I doing wrong here?

Would really appreciate if someone is using this smart service and can help me out. Thanks in advance.



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  • Is this a one-time move or a recurring process?  I've only used this service a few times which have always been for one-time import of legacy data associated with an app we're transitioning to Appian.  In those situations we first imported the files to our server, then utilized a path such as "E:\files\library1\file.txt", bypassing the share mount.  

  • Is this a one-time move or a recurring process?  I've only used this service a few times which have always been for one-time import of legacy data associated with an app we're transitioning to Appian.  In those situations we first imported the files to our server, then utilized a path such as "E:\files\library1\file.txt", bypassing the share mount.  
