Is there any Plug-In to convert IP Address to Lang and Lat?
I am trying to get the User current Location, I have its localIp using IP tracer Plug-In, Using GeoCode to convert Lan and Lat to Pin Location.
Not able to find any way to convert IP to coordinates inside Appian.
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Which IP address? That of the users browser? I am not aware that this information is available in Appian.
LocalIP of user system using getlocalIp function from IP tracer plugin.
This plugin only provides the IP address of the server Appian is running on.
I know, that is what my question was, is there any plugin to convert Ip address to coordinates
No. There is plenty geolocation services available. E.g.
This is paid service, I am trying to do a POC on a case, Is there any free service available?
If yes, is there any eg on how to use it.
Just top level information will help a lot.
You can get a trial key. And the info is here
Check the documentation and tutorials about connected systems and integrations. Then this becomes super easy to integrate.