I got an error in deploying the Portal to SAIL plugin to 7.4

I got error in deploying the Portal to SAIL plugin to 7.4. Attached is the file containing the related error message

Server Log.txt



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  • Looking at the DT_MODEL table it seems that somebody deployed this plug-in before but then some records where deleted from this table. As you can see this plug-in uses at least 11 CDTs but your DT_MODEL only has 4.

    Another option is that when the plug-in was deploying somebody interrupted the deployment by shutting down the app server which means that the smart service got registered in Process Design but did not create all the CDTs in the DT_MODEL table, so now when you deploy it again Design knows it had been here before so it tries to find the CDTs in the DT_MODEL to compare them with the ones that are about to be installed to determine whether there was a change or not.

    We'll follow-up offline with you to solve this.
  • Looking at the DT_MODEL table it seems that somebody deployed this plug-in before but then some records where deleted from this table. As you can see this plug-in uses at least 11 CDTs but your DT_MODEL only has 4.

    Another option is that when the plug-in was deploying somebody interrupted the deployment by shutting down the app server which means that the smart service got registered in Process Design but did not create all the CDTs in the DT_MODEL table, so now when you deploy it again Design knows it had been here before so it tries to find the CDTs in the DT_MODEL to compare them with the ones that are about to be installed to determine whether there was a change or not.

    We'll follow-up offline with you to solve this.
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