Hello - I get the below Exception when trying to run my custom smart service in

Hello - I get the below Exception when trying to run my custom smart service in Appian for the first time. This class works fine in eclipse, but am getting the below error in Appian/JBoss. Has anyone seen this before or know what this is?

2014-03-28 17:22:16,481 [default-short-running-threads-threads - 33] ERROR com.appiancorp.process.engine.UnattendedJavaActivityRequest - An error occurred while executing activity: id=39205, classname=com.aigcorp.plugins.smartservice.CallCmWsIngestDocSmartSvc
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not create JAXBContext
          at com.appiancorp.type.conversion.JaxbTypeConverter.getTypeInfoSet(JaxbTypeConverter.java:320)
          at com.appiancorp.type.conversion.JaxbTypeConverter.getQName(JaxbTypeConverter.java:271)
          at com.appiancorp.common.xml.JaxbConverter.guessTypeWithJaxb(JaxbConverter.java:420)
          at com.appiancorp.common.xml.JaxbConverter.guessXmlType(JaxbConverter.java:400)...




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  • your constructor should look like this and pass on the initCtx got from constructor.
    public MySmartService(SmartServiceContext smartServiceCtx, Context initialContext,
                                  ContentService contentSvc) {
                        this.smartServiceCtx = smartServiceCtx;
                        this.initialCtx = initialContext;
                        this.contentSvc = contentSvc;
  • your constructor should look like this and pass on the initCtx got from constructor.
    public MySmartService(SmartServiceContext smartServiceCtx, Context initialContext,
                                  ContentService contentSvc) {
                        this.smartServiceCtx = smartServiceCtx;
                        this.initialCtx = initialContext;
                        this.contentSvc = contentSvc;
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