How to change security of a plugin

Certified Senior Developer


we have an issue with one of the plugin called Content Tools (

We use a function "getdownloadersfromgroup" in an expression rule to find who downloaded the file. We did not have a problem with this function until now. Whoever wants to execute this expression (besides designers) gets this error:

Error Evaluating UI Expression Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = 99b65:7ceed] in rule 'hrzn_checkdownloadvalidation' (called by rules 'hrzn_s_coverletterac' > 'hrzn_f_authoritycorrespondencev2') at function a!forEach [line 4]: Error in a!forEach() expression during iteration 1: Expression evaluation error at function 'getdownloadersfromgroup' [line 6]: The user [...] does not have sufficient privileges to perform the requested action.

Even if we set security of this expression "hrzn_checkdownloadvalidation" to All users -> Administrator, they still get the error.

Here is a report from authz-audit.csv file:

2022-07-07 08:49:42.515,user,k-service-collaboration-statistics,com.appiancorp.suiteapi.collaboration.StatisticsService.getUsersByDownloadedDocumentPaging,DENIED,,"userRoles=[tempo-user, app-user] rolesAllowingAction=[designer]"

We are wondering how to change a security of this plugin, so not only designers but also other users could use this function.

Could someone please help?

Thanks and Kind Regards


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