On 7/20 we upgraded from 22.1 to 22.2. We are using the Amazon S3 Utils version 1.1 and we can no longer upload to S3 after the upgrade.
This plug-in [com.appiancorp.ps.plugins.amazonS3Utils] is not registered to access secured values for the given external system key [s3prod]. Check the external systems plug-ins list in the Administration Console.
Error Occured: Error while uploading the file to Amazon S3. Error is: The security token included in the request is invalid. (Service: AWSKMS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: UnrecognizedClientException; Request ID: c1e7278c-ca73-46bd-bcf9-c510a620018a)
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Have you had the chance to look at the std out log? Are there any more details in there? Also, was this tested and working in a lower environment after upgrade?
When tested in lower environments it continued working in our Test environment but did not continue working in Dev.