Hi, I have written a smart service and added its jar to admin/plugins folde

I have written a smart service and added its jar to admin/plugins folder. It worked beautifully. Now i decided to remove of all hard coded values and use resource bundle for various properties required. I used ResourceBundle rb = new ResourceBundle("conf.custom");
I redeployed in admin/plugins folder - but it complained that ResourceBundle cannot be found.

So i moved this jar file to lib dir under appian/ear/suite.ear/lib. But now i got the error message "CannotInstantiateClass" for my smart service.

So i added a default constructor, after which i got the error message "ClassCastException: Cannot cast class to AbstractActivity". My SmartService extends AppianSmartService and uses annotations.

Any pointers on what needs to be done here?

Thanks in advance. ...



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