AVM Installation

Certified Associate Developer

Hi all,

We're currently working with the AVM and AIM plugins together with a deployment pipeline in order to automate our deployments. We are trying to make use of AVM for pushing our appian code to bitbucket.
Anyone can suggest where we should configure AVM for that and how we can execute the script. We have configured AVM in /data-01/appian/AVM path, but while executing .sh script we are getting error saying 

Linux prompt: version-application.sh -action addContents -vc_username <abc123> -vc_password <******* >-application_path <"Windows Sysytem path" >-commit_message “Adding account test record”
Error: Could not find or load main class com.appiancorp.ps.automatedversioning.AutomatedVersioningManager
Linux prompt$:

Thank you.


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