Import CSV to Database - Error executing SQL java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "column_name": invalid identifier

Certified Lead Developer

When trying to import data from CSV to Oracle DB, getting  Error executing SQL java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "column_name": invalid identifier .

CSV File has headers and they are same as column names in DB table.

Has anyone encountered this issue?

Also noticed that the column names in sql statement are framed within " quotes like below

Caused by: Error : 904, Position : 49, Sql = select "column_name1", "column_name2", "clumn_name3", "column_name4" from "table_name" where 1=0 , OriginalSql = select "column_name1", "column_name2", "clumn_name3", "column_name4" from "table_name" where 1=0 , Error Msg = ORA-00904: "column_name4": invalid identifier

Note: Facing this issue only when file has headers in it.

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