Fitnesse-23.1 - cardChoiceField

Certified Senior Developer

We are currently on Appian 23.1 and we are trying to click on a cardChoiceField. Can someone please advise the correct script to use.

The script in the Cheatsheet doesn't appear to work.

Click on card in card choice field:

|click on card|CARD_NAME or CARD_NAME[INDEX]|in card choice field|FIELD_NAME or FIELD_NAME[INDEX]|

We tried using "choice" in place of "in card choice field" and that doesn't work either. (

This is the code snippet for the cardChoiceField. 

  local!choices: a!map(
    id: 1,
    primaryText: "Choice 1",
    secondaryText: "Please click here",
    icon: "check"
    label: "Choices",
    data: local!choices,
    cardTemplate: a!cardTemplateBarTextStacked(
      id: fv!,
      primaryText: fv!data.primaryText,
      secondaryText: fv!data.secondaryText,
      icon: fv!data.icon,
      iconColor: "SECONDARY",
      iconAltText: fv!data.primaryText,
      tooltip: fv!data.primaryText
    value: local!selection,
    saveInto: local!selection,
    required: true(),
    maxSelections: 1,
    align: "CENTER"

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